Meet up 1st July – news, diary dates and requests for help


XR training yesterday was well attended and well received! A second session is planned for July 21st: please email if you are interested in this or later sessions.  A People’s Assembly will be held after the picnic next weekend, from 3-4pm to discuss actions/ affinity groups.

We are keen to set up an Education Eco Chi group – if you know a local educator who would like to share ideas with like minded professionals, please email You don’t have to be taking part in the Eco-Schools programme, just have an interest in education for sustainability.

Car-free Day is coming closer, with insurance now arranged through Transition Chichester, and the Playing Out order applied for.

The role of Fairtrade Co-ordinator is now being shared by Debbie and Polly

Requests for help

Our new Green councillors are presenting a list of ideas for addressing the climate emergency to the new Climate Change Committee at Chichester City Council. Your ideas are very much welcomed, to So far, ideas include ‘green star’ awards to businesses, tree planting, a permanent swapshop/ repair shop and an electric bus.

There’s interest in hiring bikes in Chichester – if you know a local company that does, please let us know for our transport page.

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1 thought on “Meet up 1st July – news, diary dates and requests for help”

  1. BBC 1 News at 10 tonight 1st July:
    Football pitch sized area of Brazilian rainforest being cleared every Minute – rate of clearance accelerating.
    Tomorrow Night: The impact on indigenous peoples when hitherto “protected” forest is cleared for agriculture – under the new Brazilian Political leadership.

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