SECA( South East Coast Alliance) has produced a useful summary of all the parties manifestos
Sussex Wildlife Trust has suggested some questions you might want to ask your parliamentary candidates
The Horsham Climate Cafe – we are having a soft launch and climate tea party on Saturday 7th December 2-4pm at Horsham…
From December 7th Horsham Repair Cafe is extending its service to offer advice on practical ways of reducing energy usage…
Please make sure you VOTE FOR THE PLANET! Struggling to understand the manifestos the South East Climate Alliance have prepared this special synopsis there…
Sign Friends of the Earth’s petition asking your local council to double their tree planting.
The pledge focuses on key steps we can all take to limit the impact we are having on the environment…
SECA (SouthEastClimateAlliance)are asking for suggestions for their meeting on Tuesday 26th November – “We are having a steering group meeting…
Read this useful article about food waste on WasteNotWantNotLiving website. Another way to dispose of cooked food waste is to…
You have until December 9th to complete the survey. How could Chichester be more environmentally friendly? More cycle paths, more…