The BLUE campaign and Plantlife have collaborated to create a letter to send to councillors about rewilding verges. Find it here.

What are the laws that protect wild plants? This information is from the Lancashire Constabulary (sadly Sussex Police does not include similar information on its website).

Please see links below for further information and ways to get involved

  • Wildlife Corridors in the Chichester area. Find out more about the importance of those in the following documentary.

    Wildlife film-maker Sarah Cunliffe has put together a recording to demonstrate the variety of life in the Chichester area and the need for wildlife corridors are considered important because of the role creatures and open spaces play in the community. Natural areas protect homes from flooding, insects pollinate crops, healthy ecosystems purify water and nature and open places are generally good for wellbeing.

    Henri Brocklebank, Director of Conservation, at Sussex Wildlife Trust, said: “For nature to thrive we need to start building a network of connected wild spaces across our landscape, extending into every part of our towns, cities and countryside. We need robust wildlife corridors so that species can move freely through the landscape and spread out into new areas, including new housing developments.

    “There’s an exciting opportunity here to put the natural environment at the heart of local planning to ensure that new developments are great places to live, for both people and wildlife.”

  • Trees in Chichester FB page (Chichester Tree Wardens) (no website) Love your local Chichester trees. Find out how to get involved in protecting your trees and planting more
  • Manhood Wildlife and Heritage Group  also on FB (there are several nature-eco groups connected with Chichester Harbour)
  • Chichester Organic Gardening Society
  • Chichester Natural history Society website
  • West Sussex County Council Pollination Action Plan read and comment
  • Friends of Centurion Way
  • Recording wildlife. If you are interested in recording wildlife while you are out and about then there are a number of websites you can use or apps for smart phones.
  • Monitoring butterfies
  • Sarah Hughes, Chichester District Council Community Wildlife Officer, is hoping people will record any wildlife they see in the proposed wild life corridors to reduce the risk of blanket house building from Emsworth to Chichester. See link to proposed wild life corridors
  • PlantlifeWild flowers , plants and fungi are the life support for all our wildlife and their colour and character light up our landscapes. But without our help , this priceless natural heritage is in danger of being lost.From the open spaces of our nature reserves to the corridors of government, we work nationally and internationally to raise their profile, celebrate their beauty, and to protect their future.
  •  Chichester Conservation Volunteers:  for anyone interested in practical countryside conservation.
  • Ancient Tree Forum for anyone interested in saving ancient trees in your area
  • Sussex Wildlife Trust is a conservation charity for everyone who cares about nature in Sussex. Their  focus is on protecting the wonderfully rich natural life that is found across our towns, countryside and coast.By working alongside local people they create opportunities for us all to connect with nature, and for nature to thrive in even the most unlikely places. They organise educational events, manage conservation areas and offer a chance to volunteer with conservation projects near to you.
  • Top tips on saving water in your garden from South West Water. This really useful advice sheet gives you lots of ways to save water in your garden
  • Woodland Trust is a national charity which has a wealth of information about trees and lots of ways you can get involved in protecting woodlands and planting more trees.Trees and woods filter our air, cool our cities, purify our water and enrich our soil. Yet the damage done to them has now reached catastrophic levels, and our plant and animal species are declining at an alarming rate.
    National Tree Week
    Read our 10 year strategy
    for the future (PDF, 1.4MB)

    We are the country’s largest woodland conservation charity with over 500,000 members and supporters and more than 1,000 sites, covering over 26,000 hectares, all over the UK.

    We’re standing up for woods and trees. We protect and campaign, plant trees, and restore ancient woodland for the benefit of wildlife and people.

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