XR virtual lobby 30 June – sign up now

Sign-up up to be part of a virtual mass lobby of MPs to demand that the climate, nature and people are put at the heart of the government’s Covid19 recovery plans

Last year the Climate Coalition organised the biggest ever mass lobby for climate change, nature and people with over 12,000 people travelling to Westminster to meet with their MPs to talk about the climate and ecological crisis.

This year it is happening virtually. If you haven’t already signed up, please do following the quick and easy steps below.

So far the response from Chichester’s MP, Gillian Keegan has been negative, but we hope that weight of numbers might persuade her to change her mind!

Whether you are in Chichester or another constituency this is a great opportunity to work with others to let MPs know how many of us believe that the climate emergency must be the number one priority going forward.
Step 1.  Sign-up to the action with the Climate Coalition (CC) https://www.theclimatecoalition.org/thetimeisnow

Step 2. E-mail your MP to ask for a meeting using CC template (provided when you sign-up).

Step 3. Let us know that you have mailed our MP  at xrchiPEG@gmail.com.

Step 4. Mail or phone your MP if you do not hear from them after a few days. If the response is that they are busy, request another date! (FYI, you can join CC’s Regional Facebook group to see how many are involved in our area).

Step 5. Watch out for comms from XRChi for next steps/coordination!

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