XR newspaper – the Hourglass. Can you help with distribution?

View this email in your browser (https://mailchi.mp/4cc730d823de/xr-chichester-update-22-september-12137273?e=62c930178d)
To XR Chi,
This is a request for help – help to distribute the XR newspaper – the Hourglass.
Edition 4 has this week been published and we are keen to distribute the paper as widely as possible.
This regular newspaper is described as “rigorous journalism for fragile times” and allow us not only to inform ourselves, but to reach out to new members.
For this purpose can you help?
* can you help hand out newspapers to commuters at train stations?
* if you live outside Chichester could you distribute the newspaper in your area to local Cafés or anywhere that may be happy to display the newspaper?
* are you a member of a group or organisation where you could distribute the newspaper?

We have a growing number of volunteers but we need more. This is a very important year and we need to grow our XR numbers.
Please reply to this email if you can help in any way.

Outreach & training group

** XR Chichester Calendar
Please check the calendar on the XR Chichester Website to see what’s going on: https://gmail.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=53c7b265ed8fdc58b8099f47e&id=355bf2cf45&e=62c930178d

Please email xrchichester@gmail.com (mailto:xrchichester@gmail.com)  if you have any queries about any of the above.

Total Page Visits: 2007 - Today Page Visits: 2

1 thought on “XR newspaper – the Hourglass. Can you help with distribution?”

  1. Hi I live in Birkenhead Merseyside I am from Liverpool, I would like to help distribute the hourglass news paper.
    If you could let me know if this would be possible.

    William Elliott

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