Vigil to protest the London Arms Fair – Quaker Meeting House, Priory Road, Chichester, PO19 1NX on Tuesday 3rd September, 9 a.m ~ 10 a.m

On Tuesday 3rd September Quakers will be joining a coalition of faith groups protesting during the preparations for this event. For those of us who abhor the Arms Trade and its dreadful repercussions, including the pollution of war, but cannot be at the demonstration, a Meeting for Worship, open to all, will be held between 9 a.m – 10.00 a.m to coincide with the morning act of worship in London. Everyone is welcome to stay for as long or short a time as they wish.

Quakers (the Religious Society of Friends) are a radical religious movement who believe in simplicity, truth, equality, peace and care for the environment. We recognise the equal worth and unique nature of every person. This means working to change the systems that cause injustice and hinder community. DSEI (Defence and Security Equipment International) is one of the world’s largest Arms Fairs and takes place in London from 9th – 13th September.


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