Valerie Briginshaw is raising money to plant trees on Orchard Street



A massive thank you to all who donated to the tree planting fund! We met our target of £750.
5 trees will be planted by WSCC between November 2020 and February 2021.

Where and what?
Outside the Food Bank – a flowering cherry tree
Outside 112/114 Orchard St. (on the grass verge on the city side of the street) – a crab apple tree
Outside 108 (on the above grass verge)- a flowering cherry tree
Outside 118 (on the above grass verge) – a flowering cherry tree
On the grass adjacent to the Northgate roundabout on the non-city side of the street – an ornamental flowering pear tree
For further details contact Valerie at 96 Orchard St. 01243 773522

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