MONDAY 29TH JUNE, 7pm – 7:10pm
On 30th June The Climate Coalition is hosting a mass virtual lobby called ‘The Time Is Now’. Many people and community groups around the country are lobbying their local MPs on Zoom to call for Green Recovery from the Covid-Crisis .
All week we have been emailing and calling our local Conservative MP, Gillian Keegan.
But we have have either had no reply or a rejection!
As such, we need to highlight that we have been silenced and ignored by our local MP. On Monday 29th June at 7pm (the day before the virtual lobby) we are going to have a group Zoom call with everyone in XR Chi. We are simply going to cover our mouths with either tape, a scarf or our hands to show that we are being silenced. We will screenshot the call and send it into the Chichester Observer and the Chichester Post with a pre-prepared media statement.

We will only need you all for a few minutes whilst we get everyone ready and grab the screenshot. Feel free to put a small message on the tape like our wonderful Fay in this photo.

We need as many people there as possible so we can show our strength of feeling and the urgency to tackle the Climate Crisis.

Use this link to log into the Zoom meeting:

Meeting ID: 892 6613 6033
Password: 723771

Please log in at 6:50pm so we can start on time 7pm and iron out any technical issues.

Love and rage,
XR Chichester Core Group

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