Put pressure on WSCC to divest from fossil fuels!

Letter template for use by WSCC pension scheme members, from Chichester Quakers New Economy Group – thank you!
The county council has a Pensions Panel, which is the decision making body the membership is – Jeremy Hunt, Chair, – jeremy.hunt@westsussex.gov.uk David Bradford, Joy Dennis, Roger Elkins, Nigel Jupp, Deborah Urquhart [also responsible for Environment & sent apol for Oct 19th] James Walsj, Brian Donnelly [District rep] Judith Taylor- employee rep. – Apart from the last all have emails the same pattern as Jeremy Hunt. There is also an Advisory Panel, chaired by Peter Scales , Miranda Kadwell is a police rep & Kim Martin from the city council but no contact details are given on the WSCC website. Both Pensions Panel and Advisory Panel are supported by adam.chisnall@west sussex.gov.uk. Letters could go to the chair, all panel members, copied to Adam Chisnall etc
WSCC pension fund letter
Dear …………..
Pension membership number ——–
Pension fund Trustees have a fiduciary duty to seek good returns on investment and to protect pensions for the future. The climate emergency, and the economic changes that will be needed, mean that sectors and companies that used to be viewed as a safe investment will cease to be so. In particular companies involved in fossil fuels will decline in value.
A number of pension funds have already disinvested from fossil fuels. Waltham Forest was the first and Southwark disinvested in 2017, after a year of consultation, including with the local community. Now, five local government pension funds, represented by Brunel Pension Partners, are supporting a shareholder resolution to Barclays to stop the bank making loans to fossil fuel companies.
Please could you tell me
  1. If the WSCC scheme is still invested in fossil fuels and, if so, how much money is involved and which companies.
  2. What steps the Trustees have taken to understand the impact of fossil fuel investment on my pension, including who you have consulted.
  3. Whether you will be consulting pension fund members on disinvesting from fossil fuels.
In the interest of having a secure pension in future I hope you will take steps to disinvest from fossil fuels and keep me informed of progress.
Yours —–
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