Lost of walnut tree in Lavant

The loss of a well loved walnut tree in Lavant inspired Lindsay Rebbeck to write a poem.

The Walnut Tree

 The walnut tree is dead

They had to cut it down

At the ending of the year

My view now clear

To fields and cows


Time past & yet I feel the loss

Of a familiar friend

The guardian of the playground

Long leaf, long life

And the brainiest of nuts


The rooks are homeless now

Circling in the early morning light

I miss their noisy clamour

And debate into the night

Another raucous Parliament


Old warrior on a battlefield

What will become of you

And all of us in this uncertain time

Our debt to you repaid in furniture

Or just some logs for a cosy winter fire?

If nature inspires you to write a poem email it in to us and we can start a poetry corner.

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