EcoChi Meet-up for 29th April, 2019


Email to EcoChi Meet-up for 29th April, 2019

Our Next Meeting: NB back at Crispins this week

Monday 29th April, 2019 at 09:30 a.m.

at Crispins, 46 East Street, Chichester PO19 1HX

Get Directions

Phone number 01243 533544

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Huge thanks from us still in Sussex to our Friends who have travelled to London … and made the News …. Raising awareness.

Our Extinction Rebellion Chichester Facebook Page has increasing activity and is rapidly gaining new Members – from across the area between Worthing and Portsmouth.   A second Facebook Group is in the making: One “Public” and one “Closed”.

For those people who don’t do Facebook, significant local News is relayed through EcoChi.  National XR also email a list of Events from around the Country, and Training Opportunities Etc. Subscribe via

Please keep on visiting   It is still a new website and search engines will put our Website nearer the top when searching for EcoChi the more traffic and interaction we generate …. Did anyone manage to get an Eco related Pledge from any of our Councillors or Candidates?

Check this out:

EcoChi Market Stall

We are manning the Market stall again on Wednesday 1st May.

(Not on 24th April)

If you are interested in helping please let us know.  

The plan is then to make our Stall a weekly happening – this will require expanding our core list of volunteers, and may involve some fundraising (towards insurance costs etc).

Here is a list of our Volunteers so far. Please join the ranks. Phone numbers and contact details are being shared within this Group to help coordinate staffing the Stall.

Sarah Sharp

Richard Oliver

Paula Chatfield

Sue Gilson

Lucy Noble

Rachel Austin

Liz McCallum

Debbie Carter

Valerie Briginshaw

Lynne Friel

Mark Hobson

Jenny Cole

Kate McNicol

Tom Broughton

Rosie Mountford

Alice Halliday

Help needed please:

Mary Iden has been working for some years, as a Member of Transition Chichester, to make parts of Chichester more wildlife friendly (having got the relevant permission from the Council): Raising and planting wildflowers, planting a hedge in Oaklands Park, the Alder Buckthorn (Brimstone Butterfly Project), Etc.  Planning new Projects and maintaining existing areas that are currently being established. Contact Mary on

Green Drinks in The Pub:  7:30 p.m., – Usually held on the Third Thursday of the Month at The Tavern,  11 Priory Rd, Chichester PO19 1NS. Apologies this didn’t happen on the 18th April ….. Update for Thursday 16th May requested, please?

Tuesday 23rd April: Greta Thunberg is visiting our UK Parliament hoping to meet Theresa May.  Although, understood Parliament will be in recess then and TM is retorting about how UK is leading the World in tackling Climate Change …. Suggestions welcome as to how we might extend a welcome, please?

Greta Thunberg urges MEPs to ‘panic like the house is on fire’ (16th April) Must Watch

Make or sponsor a dead canary

Saturday 27th April: International Mass Die-in and Celebration (detail as yet unknown).


Sunday 28th April (NB my mistake in last email: Not Saturday 27th April):  

Lavant Out and About Event  (obviously via Centurion Way if you can).

10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Friends of Centurion Way have a Stall on Lavant Green.

Lavant Parish Council will be hosting Lavant’s Out & About Day on the Village Green. There will be lots of Fun Bike Races and a Best Dressed Bike Competition for the kids, lots of information about how to get out and about walking in the Lavant area and wider SDNPA. Bikeability, Whizz

CDC to tell us all about their projects to help keep our local environment beautiful. We will have information about the new Lavant Speedwatch team and recent work by our brilliant Lavant Volunteers as well as an update on the future of Churchmead Playground.

There will be refreshments all day – but if it’s a nice day, why not bring a picnic? Get Out & About with all the family – come and join in the fun!  …


Wednesday 1st May: 08:15 – 17:00 (ideally in 2 or 3 hour shifts) EcoChi ❤Stall.


Thursday 2nd May:  Chichester District Council (and City) Local Elections

Try and help a few neighbours and friends to Vote, and generally get involved.


Friday 3rd May: Volunteers wanted to keep tabs on the Vote Counting.


Saturday 4th May:  Junior cycle ride Centurion Way, from Bishop Luffa to the Amphitheatre.

Starts 2:00 p.m.,  limited to 20 places. Led by Adam Bell.


Sunday 5th and Bank Hol Monday 6th May:  The Good Life at Weald and Downland Living Museum, Singleton ….. Includes Stalls from EcoChi and Friends of Centurion Way.  Volunteers and support please.



10.30am – 5pm

Rural communities were the masters of up-cycling and sustainable living well before it ever became fashionable. Making the most of what you had and living in harmony with the natural environment were simply a given. In modern times we’ve… (more info)


Week starting 5th May

Compost awareness Week starts 5th May

Start Planning your Event for ICAW

Friends of Centurion Way Quiz: Tuesday 14th May, 7.30 p.m. at the Rainbow Inn, St. Pauls Road, Chichester:  tickets are available @ £5:00

Friends of Centurion Way are running the pub quiz to fundraise for counters to place on Centurion Way, as the Whitehouse Farm development is steaming ahead with no understanding of how many people use the path and how many are cyclists and pedestrians. Without this baseline data, there can be no assessment of how many users the path currently has or how the path is best protected or realigned around the new road. WSCC hasn’t the funds for this at present. Two counters should be an essential part of any development programme. The developers are refusing to speak with the community, local residents’ associations or Bishop Luffa at present. Friends of Centurion Way has a good dialogue with the new head of Bishop Luffa and we together with the resident associations are really keen to keep this cycle and footpath and link along Westgate into the city centre. The evening’s fundraising is only for these counters, not general funds, and this will benefit all transport planning for the West of Chichester and into Fishbourne.

The quiz evening should be a bit of fun and a laugh, supporting a local pub, and is being externally written and run by two Parklands residents.

Go on, come along, you know you want to!

Online Payments described as “Quiz” with “[Payee Name]” together with covering email to Philip Maber <> Tel: 01243 811672

Friends of Centurion Way [Lloyds Bank Account] Sort: 30-96-26 Account No: 37087460

Mark Record has also set up a PayPal Account via our website

I can then write that “Payee Name” on an envelope with the appropriate number of tickets. Easiest for me to then have the tickets at the door on 14th May, or I can send out if requested.

People (some have a Team of 6) lining up in readiness. Limited Places.…/…/2019/04/Pub-Poster.pdf

And the Google Link for the fuller Calendar Etc:

Philip Maber





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