Email to EcoChi Meet-up for 22nd April, 2019 new venue Our Next Meeting: NB Not at Crispins this week We are meeting at 10:00 a.m. at the Southern end of Centurion Way – by the Southern entrance to Bishop Luffa, Westgate … by the "Tesco" foot and cycle bridge over the Railway. Then walking up Centurion Way, including looking for and hopefully getting evidence of rare creatures towards Sarah Hughes – CDC Community Wildlife Officer – to recognise Centurion Way as a Strategic Wildlife Corridor. Many people will be taking lunch for a picnic at the Amphitheatre. More info about the threats to Centurion Way on Please join the mailing list. Jenny Cole: Reference recording rare wildlife towards Strategic Wildlife Corridor official recognition on 22nd April on Centurion Way: Who, what, where, when, doing what, how many? The following Week, 29th April, we’ll be back in Crispins, East Street. Huge thanks from us still in Sussex to our Friends who have travelled to London … and made the News …. Raising awareness.
EcoChi Market Stall We are manning the Market stall again on Wednesday 17th April. If you are interested in helping please let us know. There is a discussion whether we can make our Stall a weekly happening – this would require expanding our core list of volunteers, and may involve some fundraising (towards insurance costs etc). Here is a list of our Volunteers so far. Please join the ranks. Phone numbers and contact details are being shared within this Group to help coordinate staffing the Stall.
THIS Thursday 18th April: Green Drinks in The Pub: 7:30 p.m., – Third Thursday of the Month at The Tavern, Priory Road, 11 Priory Rd, Chichester PO19 1NS.
Saturday 20th April: 11:00 to Noon (bring a cushion) to Chichester Cathedral Green for meaningful quiet reflection and an opportunity to engage with other people.
Tuesday 23rd April: Greta Thunberg is visiting our UK Parliament hoping to meet Theresa May. Although, understood Parliament will be in recess then and TM is retorting about how UK is leading the World in tackling Climate Change …. Suggestions welcome as to how we might extend a welcome, please? Greta Thunberg urges MEPs to ‘panic like the house is on fire’ (16th April) Must Watch
From EcoChi co-Founder: Rachel Austin (George Monbiot Guardian Article)
Saturday 27th April: Lavant Cycle Event (obviously via Centurion Way if you can). Friends of Centurion Way have a Stall on Lavant Green. Wednesday 1st May: 08:15 – 17:00 (ideally in 2 or 3 hour shifts) EcoChi Thursday 2nd May: Chichester District Council (and City) Local Elections Try and help a few neighbours and friends to Vote, and generally get involved. Sunday 5th and Bank Hol Monday 6th May: The Good Life at Weald and Downland Living Museum, Singleton ….. Includes Stalls from EcoChi and Friends of Centurion Way. Week starting 5th May Compost awareness Week starts 5th May
Friends of Centurion Way Quiz: Tuesday 14th May, 7.30 p.m. at the Rainbow Inn, St. Pauls Road, Chichester: tickets are available @ £5:00 Friends of Centurion Way are running the pub quiz to fundraise for counters to place on Centurion Way, as the Whitehouse Farm development is steaming ahead with no understanding of how many people use the path and how many are cyclists and pedestrians. Without this baseline data, there can be no assessment of how many users the path currently has or how the path is best protected or realigned around the new road. WSCC hasn’t the funds for this at present. Two counters should be an essential part of any development programme. The developers are refusing to speak with the community, local residents’ associations or Bishop Luffa at present. Friends of Centurion Way has a good dialogue with the new head of Bishop Luffa and we together with the resident associations are really keen to keep this cycle and footpath and link along Westgate into the city centre. The evening’s fundraising is only for these counters, not general funds, and this will benefit all transport planning for the West of Chichester and into Fishbourne. The quiz evening should be a bit of fun and a laugh, supporting a local pub, and is being externally written and run by two Parklands residents. Go on, come along, you know you want to! Online Payments described as “Quiz” with “[Payee Name]” together with covering email to Philip Maber <> Tel: 01243 811672 Friends of Centurion Way [Lloyds Bank Account] Sort: 30-96-26 Account No: 37087460 Mark Record has also set up a PayPal Account via our website I can then write that "Payee Name" on an envelope with the appropriate number of tickets. Easiest for me to then have the tickets at the door on 14th May, or I can send out if requested. People (some have a Team of 6) lining up in readiness. Limited Places.…/…/2019/04/Pub-Poster.pdf
From our EcoChi Meet-up on 15th April: Sarah Sharp, Paula Chatfield and friends are out and about, including planting cowslips – thank you, Mary Iden. Sarah has received many complaints about potholes and dangerously uneven walking areas – finding a novel way to highlight the problem. Noted that Railway Station car park resurfacing has deleted the cycle and footpath marked route …. Southern Rail responsibility …. PC to contact Hugh Davies Sarah is in contact with Hilary Nation to get Anti-idling Notices at Whyke Level Crossing – no anti-idling action this week – BUT do print off and carry in readiness the attached Anti-Idling Flyers. Also for our Market Stalls and the Good Life Event (5th & 6th May at Singleton).
Paula Chatfield: Referred to the new Public Health England Report, welcomed by the Charity Brake (with link to that Report on Air Quality and our need for modal transport changes): And The WSCC Pollinator Action Plan:
Paula (to Jenny Quest) recommended Sarah Hughes (CDC Community Wildlife Officer) as being very good with kids. The Manhood volunteers have Moth traps and a List of Wildlife Events. Mary Iden added that “Love where you Live” also have a Calendar of Events. Mary has been planting Cowslips along Broyal Road (opposite the Old Hospital). She is finding areas to “adopt” for planting up, but noted that WSCC, CDC, City, Environment Agency and others all variously do grass cutting …… Mary recommends “Green Gym” at Brandy Hole Copse on Tuesdays 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. led by Jen Foley and others.
Jenny Cole: Reference recording rare wildlife towards Strategic Wildlife Corridor official recognition on 22nd April on Centurion Way: Who, what, where, when, doing what, how many?
Debbie Carter: Meditation on the Cathedral Green: 20th April 11:00 a.m. to Noon. UK Harvest, Market Avenue (next to The Bull) are taking surplus food from local shops to distribute to local food banks and others – e.g. Stonepillow.
Valerie Briginshaw: Divest Parliament (from fossil fuel investments): Gillian Keegan has previously declined the Pledge … now is a good time to ask again. Sarah Sharp explained the Worthing Divest Group’s Campaign for HSBC Bank to Divest.
Valerie prompted everyone to contact our District Councillors and Candidates – with reference to Tom Broughton’s template (attached again). A list of Councillors’ addresses will also be available on the Stall (17th April) and hopefully in The Chichester Post and Observer Newspapers. this website to find out who the candidates are in their ward: Also follow links to local pages for the political parties as below Noted that whilst many local Councillors will pledge to cycle {Etc.}, the majority will back new A27 bypasses {Etc.}, contrary to the IPCC demand for Radical unprecedented change. Ask those Councillors to provide a Quotable Pledge: For example to Declare a Climate Emergency. Get those Pledges circulated.
Rosie Montford: Provided leaflets for the 2019 Art Trail: May 4th, 5th, 6th and 11th & 12th. Rosie is at Venue 4: 29 Needlemakers, Chichester. PO19 7JH Entries for Labyrinth Category welcome (e.g. made from chocolate wrappers). Rosie is also involved with Compost awareness Week, starts 5th May And (?) with running Cloth Kit and Flower Shop at Drapers Yard.
George Hibberd: Keen to get more Young People involved, with little response so far from Chichester College and University (EcoChi have since passed him contacts). George wants to encourage Community Engagement, such as via bespoke Weekend Events for Students. Another of George’s current Projects is aimed at getting Goodwood Estate to become much Greener …. To change their practices, such as recycling at their big Events. Being new to EcoChi, George has suggestions for our website and social media (now in contact with Mark Record + Kate and Liz). George asked about Transition Chichester and where EcoChi fitted in? General Reply that Transition Chichester, as an Organisation – have a Bank Account and Trustees Etc., and organise a wide range of events including Eco Cinema, Swap Shop, Repair Cafe, Refill, Etc., and the Insurance for the EcoChi Market Stall. Transition Chichester is profoundly non-party Political, but can be fiercely political with a small “p”. EcoChi is an informal, vibrant “Pop Up”, also non-party political, many of whose members have links to Groups unconnected with Transition, including Car Free Chichester, Friends of Centurion Way, Extinction Rebellion Chichester, Return the Plastic, Etc. …. All with a strong Eco Theme – the more, the merrier.
Thanks for looking through this weeks email. For Events further ahead, scroll down a long way on Philip Maber ![]() |
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