EcoChi Meet-up for 3rd June, 2019

Email to EcoChi Meet-up for 3rd June, 2019

Meeting at Crispins at 09:30 a.m.

Crispins, 46 East Street, Chichester PO19 1HX

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Phone number 01243 533544

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All Wecome!

For those not on Facebook: A motley collection of individuals meet up most Monday mornings, 9.30a.m. in Crispins cafe to find out what everyone has been up to. If you're curious about our eco news and would like to meet the different people involved, you would be welcome to drop in (please buy a drink, they're lovely to host us). Not all of us turn up every week, just when we can, and people arrive late/leave early to suit them. Crispins is the cafe in East Street that has the window for serving ice creams.

Mark Record put up a post with Photos and Audio from the XR talk with Matt Ward at The Assembly Room, Chichester on Thursday 30th May.. (includes an audio of the Meeting).


Following on from that, please note Sunday 9th June from 1:00 p.m. for a big, family friendly picnic in Priory Park – Meeting opposite the Friends Meeting House.  Also, on Sunday 30th June there will be NVDA Training at The Jubilee Hall, New Park Centre, New Park Road, Chichester, PO19 7XY (depending upon demand, this may be ticketed)


Various protests coming up including Portsmouth on 5th June at The Guildhall Square (President Trump’s Visit and Heathrow (against building an additional new runway – The Government have promised long Prison Sentences for Protesters).  



Check out these photos of our EcoChi Stall on Wednesday 29th May (Shared by Paula)


Please show your support by making your West Sussex Climate pledge at, and signing-up to receive regular email updates and tips from their team.

Also on Facebook:


And here’s a Campaign for our local MPs to make a Pledge! (change location for Gillian Keegan or others) So far only 32 out of 650 have Pledged for a Strong Environment Bill.


Sign up for the Wildlife Trust 30 days wild in June:

Facebook: link

And from Sussex Wildlife Trust: The Time is Now!  See 26th June entry below

Shared by the Portsmouth Group LetPompeyBreathe·  

This is a great deal of money that could really help to pay for measures to improve our air quality. It is criminal to just 'sit on it'.

Shared by Caroline Cobbold: Selsey Bill has just become a Marine Conservation Zone – to add to the peninsula’s 3 international habitat & it’s other conservation areas and Sites of Special Scientific Interest. An ecological oasis on the south coast.

Our area already has an international reputation for its proactive approach to climate change mitigation, community engagement and habitat creation as the site of Europe’s largest coastal realignment scheme (Medmerry). Let’s push it further and make Chichester District a pioneer in long term integrated planning for climate change.

Chichester 4 Streets Project  are saying THANK YOU and need a bit of help too!

First of all – Thank you for the kindness shown to Four Streets and the homeless people we care for in the last few weeks!

A lady contacted us via Facebook offering a supply of sturdy soup cups that she didn’t need! They are being put to good use!

Q Hair and Beauty – North Street Chichester have donated a large box of daily essentials for our homeless ladies and gentlemen. A massive thank you!

And lastly – a minor crisis for Four Streets – well a pretty major one actually but we always try to ‘Keep Calm and Carry On!’ Sunday saw the closure of Eat with no notice. They have been kind, regular and reliable food suppliers to Four Streets for 3 years. We will miss you! We found ourselves unexpectedly short of food with no time to plan.

Adam from La Fish is providing extra food on a Monday and Weds – our hero!!!! But we are still short of food a number of nights a week! There must be good quality fresh sandwiches etc thrown away each night in Chichester? We can use them! Please contact us at and we’d be really glad to hear from you!

Very many thanks

Donna Ockenden

On behalf of The Four Streets Project

Quick Calendar:

Monday  3rd June: 9:30 a.m :  EcoChi Meet-up!

Monday  3rd June: 7:30 p.m.  Car Free Day Chichester Meeting at the Park Tavern (Priory Park) to discuss our plans for a car free event in the city on International Car Free Day 22nd September 2019.

Mark Record would also like to draw people's attention towards a council survey asking about what events you would like to see in the future.

A section of the survey asks what would attract you towards attending events. You may wish to suggest something like, events where traffic is reduced and controlled in the City Centre so people can enjoy our beautiful streets without fear from traffic. Alternatively you could state you want regular car free days.

There will be plenty to discuss at the Monday meeting.


Saturday 8th June:  Climate Psychology Alliance:  Annual Conference, London



Saturday 15th June: 12 noon to 9:00 p.m. Chi Fest … Chichester College – Stalls and Music

Saturday 15th June: from 2:00 p.m. Lavant Fete – Friends of Centurion have a Stall there

Saturday 15th June: 11:00 till 3:00 p.m,  The Great Parklands Garage Sale

Lots of Garages to peruse!


Saturday 15th June: 12 Noon to 5:00 p.m:  SCATE Conference, Brighton

Come and find out about unsustainable development and damaging new roads in Sussex and Hampshire. A chance to hear from two keynote speakers about how we can do things better and how to make change happen.  There will also be an introduction to SCATE's New Transport Vision as well as workshops on a variety of topics. An opportunity to meet like minded people, share information and to learn new skills. Be part of the solution.  Come along and get involved!

Booking essential.       links: on Eventbrite or via Facebook


Tuesday, June 18: 7:30 p.m.  Skeptics in the Pub Circular Reasoning

The Rise of Flat Earth Belief    Download iCalendar file

Chichester Inn  38 West Street, Chichester, PO19 1RP    Tel: 01243 783185



Michael Marshall    What's the talk about?

In 2013, when Michael Marshall first interviewed the Vice President of the Flat Earth society for his show Be Reasonable, people could scarcely believe that anyone could genuinely think the Earth was flat. Five years later, Flat Earth belief has gone mainstream, spawning thousands of hours of YouTube videos, gaining widespread international media coverage, and attracting countless followers. How did we get here?

Michael Marshall is the Project Director of the Good Thinking Society and the Vice President of the Merseyside Skeptics Society. He has organised homeopathy protests, gone undercover to expose psychics and quack medics, and co-founded the popular QED conference. He regularly speaks with proponents of pseudoscience for the Be Reasonable podcast and has written for the Guardian, The Times and New Statesman.

This talk is part of the Chichester Festival and will be a ticketed event. Tickets available here:

£6 on the door, if there is any space left.

Wednesday 26 June 2019.    Sussex Wildlife Trust    The Time is Now

A mass lobby for climate, nature and people in London,  Read more here and tell your MP     

Note: “ A commitment to net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045 and a robust and ambitious new Environment Act “

[ comment:  Zero emmissions  arguably ought to be by 2025 ….. This is an emergency,  but fantastic that the Wildlife Trust is on it!! ]


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