EcoChi Meet-up for 17th June, 2019

Email to EcoChi Meet-up for 17th June, 2019

Meeting at Crispins at 09:30 a.m.

Crispins, 46 East Street, Chichester PO19 1HX

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Phone number 01243 533544

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All Wecome!   

There is a full City Council Meeting taking place this Wednesday 19th June at 6pm to discuss declaring a climate change emergency!   Please support our Councillors.

N.B.  City Council,  North Street, Chichester.

A reminder to draw people's attention towards  

WSCC ask (write in first) your Councillor Public Meeting on Tuesday 18th June. 7 p.m.

South Chichester County Local Committee Tuesday, 18th June, 2019 7.00 pm

The agenda is displayed in the week before the meeting. Contact: Jenna Barnard on 033 022 24525  Email:


CDC council survey asking about what events you would like to see in the future. By 29th July

Updated Calendar etc on Google Doc:

This Weeks:

And previously:    Scroll down for Calendar on the Google Doc

Events coming up include:

Saturday 15th June Parklands great Garage Sale, ChiFest at Chichester College, Lavant Fete (incl’ Friends of Centurion Way) …. See Google Doc for more info

On Saturday 15th June 2019, residents all over Parklands, Chichester are joining together to sell furniture, bric-a-brac, toys, clothes, cakes, plants, garden equipment and more… Over 80 homes will have a table in their drive or garden and maps will be available on the day from our newsagents and fish and chip shop at The Ridgeway shops (PO19 3LA) and at St Wilfrid's Church and Community Hall (PO19 3AG). The Hall will also be open for refreshments and toilet facilities.

Sale opens at 11a.m. and closes at 3p.m. or when sold out. All welcome.

This event is being co-ordinated by Parklands Residents' Association, helping Parklands residents raise money for themselves and/or their favourite good cause* and to enjoy our friendly community.

* e.g. a tombola for dogs at 61 Oliver Whitby Road in aid of Clymping Dog Sanctuary

Follow the Sale's progress on Facebook at

Tuesday 18th June  7 p.m.  WSCC County Hall see above

Wednesday  19th June  6 p.m.There is a full city council meeting. to discuss declaring a climate change emergency!   Please support our City Councillors!

N.B.  City Council,  North Street, Chichester.

Thursday 20th June  7:30 p.m.  Green Drinks in the Pub at The Tavern, Priory Road.

Friday 21st June  [Summer Solstice]  and 11:00 a.m. Youth Strike4Climate, Worthing Town Hall, Worthing.      Hosted by Worthing Climate Action.

Monday 24th June  7:30 p.m. International Car Free Day Chichester Meeting:  

The Tavern, Priory Road  (Keep Sunday afternoon 22nd September to join us).

Monday 24th June  Tessa Burrington asks if anyone wants to go to London to

Tickets £8:00 incl’ wine

Wednesday 26th June The Woodland Trust and many others will be at Westminster.

Also from Ann Stewart: Dear Gillian Keegan,

On 26 June a great number of organisations are holding a mass lobby of MPs along the Thames. We wish to discuss our great concern about climate change and the need for urgent and immediate action to slow down the worst effects that we are going to experience. Please will you meet me and other constituents. We will phone your office on the day to make clear exactly where along the Thames you will find us.

I welcome Theresa May's announcement yesterday that she has accepted the Climate Change Committees recent report and has committed us to "net zero emissions" by 2050. I have read much of the report and I anticipate that there are very difficult decisions to be made, and these will meet a lot of opposition, many from your own party; for instance, the CCC states we need to use one fifth (!) of agricultural land for tree planting. The required changes in transport policy, including air and shipping are going to be significant and particularly controversial. As many scientists consider that the CCC report does not go far enough or quickly enough, it is very important that we take action on the report immediately and do not allow any dilution, delay or compromise.

I look forward to your reply and to meeting you on 26 June.

Kind regards,

Ann Stewart

Some Shared info:

Wildflower Planting [in Chichester] by Mary Iden – effects and opportunities

My Apologies to Mary Iden that I didn’t share info on her Walk last Thursday 13th June (I believe it was on our website though ) :

From Tom Broughton [definitely worth a watch!  Particularly relevant to Centurion Way]:

Wildlife film-maker Sarah Cunliffe has put together a recording to demonstrate the variety of life in the Chichester area and the need for wildlife corridors are considered important because of the role creatures and open spaces play in the community. Natural areas protect homes from flooding, insects pollinate crops, healthy ecosystems purify water and nature and open places are generally good for wellbeing.

Henri Brocklebank, Director of Conservation, at Sussex Wildlife Trust, said: “For nature to thrive we need to start building a network of connected wild spaces across our landscape, extending into every part of our towns, cities and countryside. We need robust wildlife corridors so that species can move freely through the landscape and spread out into new areas, including new housing developments.

“There’s an exciting opportunity here to put the natural environment at the heart of local planning to ensure that new developments are great places to live, for both people and wildlife.”

Not far away – Portsmouth News: shared by Jane Towers who suggests: “This [Nitrates] could have repercussions on the 13k houses designated for Chichester.”

From Debbie Carter: Three ways that consumers could be helped to recycle better.

  1. Clear and consistent labelling of recyclable packaging. The removal of unhelpful “check locally” labels, which only lead to confusion and incorrect disposal of some items, is a good starting point, along with better communication of local anomalies to recycling collections.

  2. More information for householders on where recycling goes and what it is used for would improve understanding around the demand for high quality materials. The condition of recycling has an impact on its final use. If recycling is wet or greasy this often leads to contamination losses with items sticking together during mechanical sorting processes or just being so badly damaged they aren’t suitable for use.

  3. Better reporting of the end destination of recyclable materials by councils. Publishing this information is currently voluntary. This should be made mandatory and include all waste collected, not just that handled by local authorities. This would ensure consistent, ethical and legal exports. This would expose poor export practices involving low grade and poorly sorted recyclables, which helps to hide illegal exports of post-consumer electronic items which have been hidden by the lack of transparency.

From Caroyn Cobbold: Can someone point out this ….. with 2 degree Celsius increase most of Chichester District below A27 will be flooded … just where CDC are planning to build most of their new housing!!!!

From Anne (not Ann Stewart) Investigation: Facebook Surveillance of Fracking Protesters — Background and Key Documents | DeSmog UK:

From Tom Procter “How to Take over your Town”   Inspiration

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