Following a very successful event on 1 May to protest against the policing bill, another protest is planned to ensure that awareness on this critical issue is maintained with the public and with those in office who have influence.
The plan is to meet at 10 am in the East Pallant Car Park by the Chichester District Council buildings. There will then be a march to Gillian Keegan's Office for some speeches and then a walk to the Cross for further speeches, music and poetry. The event will conclude at around 12.00 to 12.30.
As was described ahead of the 1 May march, there is huge concern that this Bill contains numerous threats to the right to peaceful protest in the UK, it criminalises Gypsy and Traveller communities’ way of life, and includes a host of expansive policing powers which will undermine our right to make our voices heard on critical issues such as the climate emergency. The civil liberties group 'Liberty' notes that “Our right to protest is not and should never be viewed as a gift from the state.’’
There is a relatively recent history of successful, peaceful protest in Chichester when key Departments of St Richard's hospital were seriously threatened with closure. There was, as you may well remember, a huge mobilisation of local people that included marches from West Sussex to Downing Street and gatherings in Priory Park. Such peaceful protests and gatherings are under threat – it is therefore key that we ALL speak up now!
NOTE: Should anyone wish to speak at the event on behalf of their campaign or specific group (give a speech long or short, read a piece of prose or poetry, sing or play music etc) please do not hesitate to come forward, concerned voices are very much needed to help make this event a success.
Please, if you can, share this information with your trusted networks.
Time and Place:
Saturday 29 May
10 am East Pallant Car Park, Chichester
Please be COVID Safe at All Times