November 18, 2020
Against a backdrop of growing concern about polarisation, our Britain Talks Climate project – to be released on 18 November – will support the climate community by providing an evidence-based, shared and strategic understanding of the British public and how to engage across the whole of society.
Going beyond ‘left vs right’ or ‘leave vs remain’ to uncover seven nuanced and complex segments of the British public, Britain Talks Climate captures their differences but also their commonalities.
In this webinar, we'll walk participants through key insights and recommendations, as well as our fully interactive online toolkit and a range of downloadable materials. These tools are designed to equip campaigners and communicators with the insights they need to shape the national debate in a way that draws on shared values and avoids division.
Britain Talks Climate is a collaboration between Climate Outreach and the European Climate Foundation (ECF), based on an extensive research process led by More in Common, ECF and YouGov.