Sunday was a perfect day for the Community Open Day on Brewery Field. The day was organised but Transition Chichester and was a great success. This lovely open green field is one of the best kept secrets in Chichester. It is situated just behind the West Sussex Records Office on orchard Street and was historically the site of Westgate Brewery where their dray horses were rested and fed. It is now on a long lease from West Sussex County Council as a green space for everyone to enjoy.
The dray horses were there to give rides around the field in the brewery cart. Community groups were there with their information stalls as well as coffee and ice cream vans.
The community groups manning stalls were : Transition Chichester, Eco Chi, Friends of Centurian Way, Parksland Resident Group, Repair Cafe, Extinction Rebellion Chichester Group, Chister Tree Warden, Rotary Club of Chichester, Chichester Conservation Volunteers, Chichester Organic Gardening Society, The Medicine Garden run by Steve Taylor, West Sussex County Council recycling volunteers, Refill Chichester and Ecostepbystep
See below for photos of the day