For further information about ways to get involved please click on the following links

Local groups and Organisations

Eco Chi website

Extinction Rebellion Chichester please contact them via email, for further information and check our calendar for further meetings or events

Transition Chichester    (various sub projects including Repair Cafe, Swap Shop, wildflowers, veg gardening at Bishops Palace Gardens, and orchards)

Biodiversity and Pollinator Group

Repair Cafe

Grow Chichester

Chichester Conservation Volunteers for those of you wanting to get involved in practical, hands on conservation projects in the Chichester area

Chichester Organic Gardening Society Aims of the Society
To encourage the growing of healthy produce and beautiful gardens by sustainable and environmentally kind gardening methods. To provide a focus for local gardeners and growers to meet those sharing their interest in gardening with nature, both for social activities and to discuss gardening and related issues.

Tuppenny Barn Our vision is to create a better future for our children through inspiring communities to learn about sustainable and organic food.

Car Free Chichester Campaign

Friends of Centurion Way a local group trying to preserve Centurion Way as a wildlife corridor as well as local resource

Wild Life Corridor (Strategic Wildlife Corridors, Local Plan Review: Preferred Approach 2016-2035)

Refill initiative Chichester


Clean Air find out ways to improve the air you breathe

Make the climate pledge – West Sussex County Council has lots of useful information about reducing your carbon footprint

Groups in the South East

 Sussex Green Living is a green network, website, children’s educational club and recycled stand, our mission being to inspire families to lead a greener life.

Campaign to Protect Rural England CPRE Sussex Chichester group

 CleverGreen Group is a platform for inspiring change to a more sustainable lifestyle for individuals and greener  practice for businesses.

South East Climate Alliance   We are a coalition of local environment, community and faith groups across South East England uniting for urgent action on climate change. We are calling on all our Local Councils to declare a Climate Emergency.

West Sussex County Council (WSCC) Get involved in your local community but attending meetings or asking your local councillors about their policies. Make your voice heard via their County Local Committee follow the link to find out more

South Coast Alliance for Transport and the Environment (SCATE)

Wider networks

Amnesty International

Bristol is trying to become a Gold Sustainable Food City. Read more and find out ways you can make changes locally

Climate Coalition

Eyesofgaia Eyes of Gaia is coordinated by Nicola Peel who is a full time environmentalist. This website is packed full of useful information including changes you can make as an individual to lessen your impact on the environment. See my post from 20.5.19 for some top tips from the website. 



Green Party

Extinction Rebellion

Refill shops nationally

The Journey to 2030 steps to get your community involved in averting the climate emergency


Woodland Trust  

Friends of the Earth have produced a Resource Hub with free webinars and How to Guides on topics such as lobbying your councillor/MP. They have also set up local Climate Action Groups which are for people to develop local solutions to the climate crisis and create fairer, greener communities. For more information about Climate Action Groups follow the link

How big is your carbon footprint? Use the WWF footprint calculator to find out 

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