The H4E talk is an incredible talk that highlights the latest science and the stark reality of the climate and ecological crisis that we face, and then what we as passionate people of all races and intersections can do about it. It’s a great talk that has inspired millions around the world to take action for our planet, our wildlife and for us.
XR Chi are doing this talk as a way of re-focusing on the task at hand and as a build up to an action in Chi on 29th July AND the confirmed nationwide Rebellion from 1st September. Watch this space for that!
There are exciting times ahead for XR Chi, and crucial few months ahead for all of us as we decide how we rebuild after the Covid-crisis.
Log onto the Zoom meeting with this link from 5:50pm (10 minutes prior to the start) on 15th July:
XR Chichester is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: XR Chichester’s H4E Talk
Time: Jul 15, 2020 06:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 899 8682 2693
Password: 330443
It would be amazing to see as many of you there as possible. We feel like the time is right to start rising up. As we said to Gillian Keegan last week THE TIME IS NOW and there is NO GOING BACK.