XR Heading for Extinction talk Zoom

XR Heading for Extinction talk Zoom

July 15, 2020

Image may contain: text that says "CLIMATE CHANGE: HEADING FOR EXTINCTION EXTING (AND WHAT το DO ABOUT IT)"The H4E talk is an incredible talk that highlights the latest science and the stark reality of the climate and ecological crisis that we face, and then what we as passionate people of all races and intersections can do about it. It's a great talk that has inspired millions around the world to take action for our planet, our wildlife and for us.

XR Chichester is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: XR Chichester’s H4E Talk
Time: Jul 15, 2020 06:00 PM London

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Meeting ID: 899 8682 2693
Password: 330443

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