Election 2019: Hustings at Chichester Cathedral

Election 2019: Hustings at Chichester Cathedral

November 28, 2019

Doors open 6.30. Hustings from 7pm.

General election hustings will be held at Chichester Cathedral on Thursday November 28, providing an opportunity for the people of Chichester to question parliamentary candidates about key issues in the run up to polling Day on December 12.

Candidates present will be:

Heather Barrie, Green Party

Gillian Keegan, Conservative

Kate O’Kelly, Liberal Democrat

Jay Morton, Labour

The free event will be chaired by Gary Shipton, Editor and Editorial Director of the Observer Newspapers. Attendees are invited to bring prepared questions, and there will also be an opportunity to submit written questions upon arrival, with selected ones on popular themes being submitted to the candidates during the evening.

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