Fwd: Eco Meet-up Corrections and updates from 18th Feb

Hi Everyone,

Several of us could not make our Weekly Meeting on the 18th February (sorry) – Our next Meet-up is on 
25th February  at Crispins,  East Street, Chichester at 09:30 a.m.

Thursday 21st February moved to 2:00 p.m. (Half Term) NOT 12:30 [High Tide] as previously advertised

Rising Sea Level Walk ….. looking for nature, Weather Forecast: Sunny, 18 degrees C.

Meet at The Sailing Club, by the Amusement Arcade, Pagham. With a Beach Treasure Hunt for children

Info Gillian Organised through Carol Birch (Bognor Green Party).

Thursday 21st February  7:30pm Green Drinks Evening.  Rich Sabin, who started Transition Chichester wants to re-start its predecessor Green Drinks, so it's been decided to host it at The Park Tavern, 11 Priory Rd, Chichester PO19 1NS, for the 3rd Thursday

Info Tom Broughton

Monday 25th February   at  7:30 p.m.  Car Free Chichester  

   The Park Tavern, 11 Priory Road, Chichester. PO19 1NS

Our First Meeting on 28th January was a flying Campaign Start! It will happen on Sunday 22nd September !!!!!

We're looking for Street Events to enable our Communities to come and enjoy the opportunities made available through being free of traffic for a day.

This is going to be huge – it is unfortunate that WSCC and CDC aren't yet providing their full support.


Rosie Montford has created a simple Eco Meet-up Poster – expected delivery on 19th February for Drapers Yard …. other Notice Boards being sought.

Ann Stewart has shared this link https://gofossilfree.org/uk/fuellingthefire/ indicating that WSCC's Pension Fund has some £217,684,100 (about 6%)  indirectly invested in Fossil Fuel extraction companies.  "Divestment" from Fossil Fuels is a vital – stand-alone component of the Extinction Rebellion. The Irish Parliament agreed to totally Divest from fossil fuels last Year.

I plan a separate Eco Meet-up Email bringing together some relevant sources to help us all write emails/letters etc to our WSCC/CDC/Arun/ East Hants Etc Councillors.  
Also,  Please keep a notebook handy to record NEWS details (Date. TV Channel, Program Name, Organisation/Scientist's Name and suchlike) to help you put your own informed and personal pleas to our elected Councillors.  Circulate major News items.
We all share the disappointment with WSCC on 15th February …….. a varied, concerted and prolonged prompt is required leading up to their next Full Meeting on 5th April; and similarly for our District Council Candidates ahead of the Local Elections on 2nd May.

The next Monthly School Strike is on Friday 15th March. Information on any local support requested, please??    #YouthStrike4Climate

Kate and Liz are busy working with Mark Record making our www.eco.chiaction.co.uk into our expanding Group's go-to link.
Jacqui Taylor has kindly resent the Lancet Link that provides substance to the concern over the roll-out of G5
Jacqui also wants these two links shared regarding A27 Bypass Planning shortcomings (SCATE were well represented at the WSCC Demo on 15th Feb).
Marcia Knight is succeding to embaress our Chichester District Council over the impact of the Chichester Ice Rink Diesel  Generator – shocking photos of the blackened Marquee canvas together with calculations indicating Air Pollution equivalent  to up to 97,000 articulated lorries driving around Chichester …. makes you think.  CDC have confirmed that no Air Quality Assessment was required as part of the Planning Application, with a requirement for electic powered chillers for future Applications in the City Cetre.
Kind regards,
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