EcoChi Meet-up for 20th May, 2019 a

Email to EcoChi Meet-up for 20th May, 2019

World Bee Day

Meeting at Crispins at 09:30 a.m.

Crispins, 46 East Street, Chichester PO19 1HX

Get Directions

Phone number 01243 533544

Send to your Phone

Please visit our evolving website

Our Web Authors Kate and Rachel are doing a fantastic job. James Burns is now variously upgrading the layout Etc.  Please also copy Kate with new Calendar Events Etc. on

I’ve Started a new Google Doc this week, if you want to refer back to previous weeks click here (or visit our website):

New email Calendar to Follow .

Mark Record: As previously circulated, Mark has organised a quick Sombre Demo / Press Opportinity this Saturday 18th May at CDC Offices, East Pallant House, PO19 1TY

at 10:30 a.m.

Look out for the Coffin.

At least 3 District Councllors have responded they intend coming to hear our Concerns

We hope EcoChi and XR Chichester Banners can be included in the Press Shoot, please?

CDC Offices will be Closed – it is a low key protest but the Council will be made aware of our concerns!

Paula Chatfield offers to organise a conducted EcoChi visit to Ford Materials Recycling Facility to follow the contents of our bergundy recycling bins.  

Currently availability starts in August (when schools aren’t visiting):

           Monday 5th

           Tuesday 6th

           Thursday 8th

           Monday 19th (currently allocated for an “Open” session for individuals, but could be made available)

           Thursday 22nd

(I’ve ignored Wednesdays because of the market stall).

Suggested visit timing is either 10am-12noon or 1-3pm on those days; minimum 8, maximum 14 per party (and only one group visit per organisation per year).

More info:

Paula         (tel. 783962; 07788 140698)

Ann Stewart:  

Hi, You may remember me from the meeting on Monday [13th May]. I was surprised that so few people had heard of the Markwells Wood campaign to stop drilling. We had obviously not managed to spread the word as much as we had hoped. As I said at the meeting, we were successful in stopping the drilling at the site at Forestside, near Rowlands Castle. But the oil company did try to get an injunction against our protest activity. Although they dropped us from the case, they did get an injunction against two other sites, and other oil companies are doing the same. We will be going back to court in June to appeal against this injunction. It is an important case as the legal team are doing this at a reduced rate. Other campaign groups can’t afford to challenge these injunctions, so this is a real test case.

If you could spread the word amongst your members it would be great. We are grateful for any contribution, no matter how small. We would also be grateful if people would share the appeal as widely as possible.

Here is the link to our appeal. I have also included a link to a small video presentation. This is mine, but the other defendants have also made a film each, and I can let you have those links too, if you like.

Thanks for any help you can give us,

Warm regards


 (see also the YouTube link in Debbie’s 3rd Letter – further down)

Chichester Repair Cafe:

Please click on the link – their Calender includes a variety of forthcoming events.

Diana Morgan is helping to organise the Clevergreen eco music festival on 20th July at The Level, Brighton. As well as a strong line-up of bands there will be eco-themed children's activities, some great speakers and stalls (including her own eco products!). This is the Facebook event:  

Entry is free but you can register here to go on the newsletter and maybe make a donation to the running costs as this is volunteer-led:

BBC Question Time: 4th July  In Chichester:   Join the Audience

Fill in the on-line form, including “Programme Location” [ Chichester ]

Prepare a Question and pracice asking it, ready for the Telephone interview!

Wednesday EcoChi Market Stall: (Richard Oliver and Debbie Carter) agreed that volunteers will notify if they CAN’T do a particular stint [Need Richard’s Phone Number on Website + here].  More or less anything Eco/Community and non-Party-Political is welcome on the Stall – if it causes offence, then it will be removed.

Sue Gilson: Sad at the loss of the black bike racks. 202 being replaced. Sarah Sharp (who voted against) is concerned as the money came from a fund to offset the new housing. Next on Prettyification list are the Fingerposts.

Debbie Carter: Reported back enthusiastically about the Sustainability Centre’s South Downs Event, near East Meon …. And has contact for a Talk for EcoChi [must follow this up].

We must take responsibility for our not mixing our rubbish and recycling. [See also Paula’s offer for visit to Ford MRF ].  Sarah Sharp on a CDC Visit to Westhampnet the following day (14th May) …. There is potential for EcoChi to help define exactly what we’re asking for …. Encourage stakeholder input to Council Decisions.

Debbie has shared 3 emails (from the same sender):

  1. Dear Zero Carbon Britain friends,

We are witnessing a seismic shift in the campaign to prevent climate breakdown. Schoolchildren have gone on strike, many deeply committed people have taken to the streets, towns and cities up and down the country have declared an emergency, and the BBC has – finally – broadcast a prime-time documentary on climate change.

For over 12 years the Centre for Alternative Technology’s Zero Carbon Britain project has looked at how we can get to net zero greenhouse gas emissions using technology available today – without relying on unproven future carbon-capture technologies and without new nuclear. We’ve crunched the numbers on renewable energy, buildings, transport, diets and land use, and we’ve looked at the social, cultural and economic changes that are needed to bring about the transformation.

The UK, Welsh and Scottish parliaments have now declared a climate emergency. Now we must urgently turn the conversation to delivering the solutions at the scale and pace required….

In your networks and social media groups – please share our call for national and devolved government to produce a climate emergency action plan

Many thanks!

Paul Allen

For the Earth

Nicola Peel

Environmental Education, Speaker, Solutionist

2) I have recently made up some new flyers with a What Can Each Person Do….blurb….(2nd page / backside)

We have to look at changing the system and need to pull on a number of threads in the tapestry, politically, economically, legally and energetically !

I realised that so many people just dont know what to do. Even at XR events they are not giving out the practical to do list… So I gave one to Gail Bradbrook the other day so hopefully that will soon change

I made these flyers to be stuck up at Glastonbury and other festivals in the toilets ! Good place to get people reading. I just trialled the idea at  the festival this weekend and had people tell me they had photographed the sign and others who asked if they could have a stack to take to other events.

So it would be great to have it on the SECA website 'Resources for Individuals ' and anyone else who wants to rebrand for their own use.



1) Change your energy company to a renewable provider (Nicola Peel) Save £ & CO2

2) Move your money – the big banks invest your savings and pensions in oil, gas and nuclear – Divest and tell the bank why. WHICH BANK?

3) Change the law and become a conscientious protector. Sign up to

4) Think of the bees and buy Organic. Local is best.

5) Think of the rivers and seas – Don't buy toxic toiletries

6) Get political – Vote – Speak up – Stand up

7) Plant trees, Grow food, Eat less meat, Save water, Get involved

8) Reduce the amount of fossil fuels you use personally ie driving, flying, heating, power, plastic packaging etc

9) Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle

10) Buy less, Waste less, Enjoy life more

For a lot more ideas see my website What can you do

For the Earth

Nicola Peel

Environmental Education, Speaker, Solutionist

Winner of the Peoples Environment Award

Finalist in the Guardian Observer Ethical Awards

3)                  Subject: fossil fuels in our back yard

Oh dear… and for my next email … I have just been sent this video interviewing Steven Sanderson about UKOGs upcoming work  

When half the world is focused on climate change and not extracting more fossil fuels here in our neighbourhood Sussex and Surrey its looking like they have found a bonanza !  😏

UKOG hasn't got permission for the side drill at Broadofrd Bridge plus they have more plans for the area between BB and Dunsfold. Applications will be coming though soon

Looks like we need to be aware.

Please share this video

Mary Iden:  Has more Cowslips (in bigger pots).  

Mary is encouraging us to adopt the “No Mow May” initiative in our gardens – which has huge benefits for our insect and spider populuations, as well as wildflowers. Mary is on a long Campaign to reduce Verge mowing and for especially WSCC to better bear in mind wildlife!   Sarah Sharp flagged up the WSCC “Talk with us Meeting” : Tuesday 18th June, around the back at County Hall at 7:00 p.m. Questions submitted in advance preferred.

Mary recomended  “Ground Swell” and “ Wild Flower – Lewes” [worth Googling!].

She also hopes for closer water taps at Weald and Downland Museum – for her plants – re the Spring Event on 5th and 6th May.

Kelly Cotton:  Enjoyed sowing at the Repair Shop, and introduced a friend who repairs Guitars.   N.B. The last Repair Shop this Season is on 8th June.

Kelly is involved with a Bee Event over Half-Term

World Bee Day 20th May

Alice Halliday: is trying hard to find to recycle items e.g. Toothpaste Tubes

Jenny Quest: Reported that The Body Shop now has a Terracycle Bin.

Jenny askes EVERYONE to bring their empty or broken Pens / writing instruments (propelling pencils Etc) to her – 15 kg (a lot of pens) are needed for a modest payment to School Funds.

Alice is collecting milk bottle tops with “No 2” Mark

More information going on our Website.

[Poor note taking]: Portsmouth Water Company need more/better information on future water supply needs and locations …… The new Madgewick Estate is currently having sewage tankered away.

Jenny reported her conversation with CDC “Litter Clean Up” Display at the recent “Out and About” Event at Lavant – she questioned the unquestioning accepted practice of deep landfill for dog poo in plastic bags.

Sarah Sharp: Explained some of the new challenges she is getting to grips with since joining CDC as a Councillor.   Cabinete Members control the Panel Lists – which is justified as being cheaper than a Committee System. Sarah is keen to encourage input before Decisions, rather than scrutinise afterwards.  She will push for an Environment Committee (as in Stroud) – Sarah requests us to watch how other Councils work and feed back an oveview to her.

Ann Stewart:  See her email above here.

My Apologies: The updated Calender will follow in a day or two (visit and feed into our website).




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