EcoChi Meet-up for 10th June, 2019

Email to EcoChi Meet-up for 10th June, 2019

Meeting at Crispins at 09:30 a.m.

Crispins, 46 East Street, Chichester PO19 1HX

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Phone number 01243 533544

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All Wecome!   

A reminder  to draw people's attention towards the CDC council survey asking about what events you would like to see in the future.

AND the WSCC ask (write in first) your Councillor Public Meeting on 18th June. 7 p.m.

Updated Calendar etc on Google Doc:    Scroll down for Calendar on the Google Doc

A few bits from Monday 3rd June:  scroll down for 28th May

Philip Maber:  Recomended watching. Stacey Dooley exposes how the Fashion Industry is second only to the coal and oil industries in causing Global Climate Change and Ecological Disaster; and she activily persuades key players.   Shown on BBC2 on Sunday 2nd June [ apparently shown on BB3 cOct 2018 ]

Hugo Williams (first time at EcoChi): Employed by the Charity UK Harvest, 3a Market Road, Chichester, PO19 1JW   (storage, offices and Distribution Centre – opposite the Cattle Market). Since moving from Stonepillow in early January when they supplied surplus food to 30 local Charities, they are now supplying 100.  Totally rely upon donations.

Their bank of fridges are filled and emptied every day, together with many trays of fresh vegetables and herbs.

UK Harvest are specifically not a Food Bank. Impressive work in saving tons of fresh food (eg sweet potatoes that are too big, and would otherwise go to waste).

Hugo Williams is their volunteer coordinator …. They have two large distribution vans, and a chef on call. They pride themselves on being highly efficient and reliable. Email or They need volunteers (including van drivers for deliveries, Etc.).  Just an hour a month would be welcome. They also provide education events to combat food poverty, awareness and inclusive suppers. Rosie is a volunteer.

Flyers on EcoChi Market Stall this Wednesday.

Paul Inskip (first time at EcoChi): Pleaded the need to join together people who believe the Science that we only have 10 years to have completely turned things around.  He praised the XR Meeting on 30th May as “ultra relevant” …. But needs many more young people involved locally.  Anna Lilleyto Extinction Rebellion Chichester : The Trump Protest at Portmouth Guildhall on 5th June, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

[ Tom Broughton is leading a Chichester contingent, meeting at Chichester railway station at 10:15 a.m.]

[The discussion continued at the end of the Meeting ]

Paul Inskip promoted fostering a Progressive Alliance, because we cannot afford any bickering, when we all want the same thing.  Therefore (citing Kevin Hughes), a Citizen’s Assembly of say 1000 randomely selected people from across the U.K. whose sole purpose to implement the changes we need.

Tom Broughton put forward the need for a People’s Assembly comprised of motivated people who voluntarily come forward in harmony – necessary to avoid confusion. The next 10 years is our only chance to get it right.

Debbie Carter said that we have the South East Climate Alliance (SECA) which is effectivily creating change in Transition Towns, e.g. Lewes.

Paul Inskip told us that in the the U.S. the opposition is growing very strong … Alexandria Cortez (AOC)  “The Young Turks”  + Bernie Sanders, Etc …… Therefore, in the U.K., we need a National YouTube Channel …. especially valuable for our young people. The way to quickly gain campaign traction.

Mary Iden promoted a visit to the Wildflower Bank at the back of NewPark.

Mary is currently Campaigning – as new mowing contracts are being offered by our local Councils Etc – for minimum cut height of 5 cms, which would hugely benefit invertebrate life.

One small Buckthrorn Alder in her garden has two Brimestone catapillers, in urgent need of moving to more leafy Buckthorn Alders!

Mary wants volunteers to help her create a Willow Bed in Oaklands Park (wet area NE of the Theartre).  She has willow rods organised from Godalming via student Mark Ford. Mary sees a future opportunity for willow basket making.

On a different tack, she recommends “Bear & Boy” at the back of Drapers Yard – they provide whole milk (if you want low-fat, then simply add water).

Jenny Cole: Sat 8th June – Chichester Repair Cafe, 2 till 5 p.m.

Sat 29th June – Whyke Community Orchard  (please check this) and

Wednesday 10th July – to be confirmed: Carrie Court at Muchos Nachos

Richard Oliver is very pleased with how the ecochi Market Stall is going

Debbie Carter is supporting inclusion of “Ecocide” Information on the Market Stall – info through Nicola Peel, Marion and Anita.

Debbie has her first Community Affairs Committee – City Council tonight (3rd June) to be quickly followed by Car Free Chichester Meeting at the Tavern (also with Sarah Sharp).

Debbie was offered help to raise her mower blade (cf. Mary Iden)

Diana Morgan commented how the XR Meeting had brought along many who were not the usual suspects …. Great!

Tom Broughton has since posted:

Just a quick note to ask if anyone is coming to the picnic on Sunday,

June 9 at 1pm at Priory Park, Chichester? I cannot make it and nor can

Diana, so  Jenny and Lucy would love some support. Not sure how many

people will be coming, but we want to be sure that everyone can have a

conversation about how they're feeling and how XR and joining together

can give us Active Hope.

Also, the NVDA training has been organised for Sunday June 30, 12pm to

5pm at the Jubilee Hall, New Park Centre, Chichester, PO19 7XY. To

manage numbers, as this is limited to 60, we have set up an Eventbrite:


Rachel Ritchie thanked Mark Record for putting a Hit Counter on which recorded 759 Hits in 4 days.

Rachel is keen to keep our website relevant, and asked what people want?

She meets up with Kate after the EcoChi Meet-up. One current project being a list of Recycling Plants/locations in and around Chichester.

Following her School Children writing to Jeremy Hunt (W Sx Councillor) she is very pleased to report that Jeremy Hunt has arranged to visit her School,  where a steep two way learning curve will occur around topics of recycing and ecology.

[ Noted that the green recycle and panda logos etc on little packets, are very confusing – there is a current campaign to improve labelling towards informed recycling ].

Jenny Quest is forging ahead with her old pen recycling, with receptacle boxes located around the area – including the Body Shop (alonside one for shampoo bottles). [One new taget being the various Council Offices?].  Sue Gilson provided 3 different boxes to our EcoChi Market Stall last week.

WSCC appear lacking in awareness and support for Terracycle.

Jenny is planning to ask a Question (write in first) to the  WSCC Meeting on Tuesday Evening 18th June – Public Meeting 7 p.m.

 South Chichester County Local Committee Tuesday, 18th June, 2019 7.00 pm

The agenda will be displayed in the week before the meeting

Proposed venue: Committee Room 3, County Hall, Chichester, PO19 1RQ

Contact: Jenna Barnard on 033 022 24525  Email:

Kate McNicoll (who manages with Rachel Ritchie)  in the process of arranging a date for Cyclist Simon Ballard (CDC Senior Environmental Protection Officer) to provide a talk for a EcoChi Meet-up.  

Rosie Montford is visiting Greece to explore Walking, Drawing and Sound as an Art Form.

(hope I’ve got this right?) On Sunday 1st September, from 10:00 a.m., as part of Europe wide Events, at Chichester University, Rosie will be taking part in a Tree Walk – listening with artistic endeavors and choreography. Tickets through Eventbrite

Pauline Gaskin ….. Polly now a City Councillor (with Greens: Sarah, Heather and Debbie) although not on the Community Affairs Committee will be there in support.

Polly is on the Planning and Conservation Panel,  and preparing Questions (which should feed into CDC) about the need for Solar Panels in the Whitehouse Farm Development.

She expressed concern about the ceremonial aspect of Remembrance Events – for example wanting to add “Peace” to Remembrance Sunday.

She is supporting Sx Wildlife Trust Bee Event on 15th June.

Jayne Bond (has posted on EcoChi Facebook): Hi all,

Currently we don’t have anybody organising any ‘return the plastic’ protests…… those of us who have organised them before are busy with other projects…… it would be wonderful if somebody has some time to organise the next one ….. we have the sign, letters to supermarket and info all ready for you……the public have been really supportive outside the supermarkets, as have the local press (we have been in both the Bognor and Chichester post)

Few notes from Matt Ward’s Presentation to the XR Public Meeting held on 30th May at the Assembly Rooms:

Wild Animal Global Biomass is now just 4% of the total animal biomass.

Info from Hothouse Earth Slide  (Molly Higgins: Ecocide Lawyer)

Say there are 30,000 people live in the Chichester area, then we need 1,000 to support XR Chichester in order to create a real breakthrough.  [ 247 XR Chichester Facebook Followers ]

Britain is the first Country to Declare a Climate Emergency, but that doesn’t mean much without action. So far 574 Governing Bodies across 13 Countries have Declared.

Take a look on… for the audio of the talk.

A few bits from Bank Holiday Monday 27th May:

Being a Bank Holiday enabled Mark Record and Michael Neville to join us.

Sue Gilson talked about Carbon Offset by funding Reforrestation, now being discussed at the U.N.  ….. A Guardian Newspaper Article by Naomi Cline is a Call to Arms over the issue.

Important for Adults to support Children on 20th Sept for a Greta Thunberg inspired Demonstration.

Helen Cato simply commented that she is grateful for the company and support provided by EcoChi.

Gillian Edom explained that Arun District Council have still to provide an Agenda …. District Councillors keen ….. Aldwick and Paham very impacted …… determination for tree planting etc.

Debbie Carter reported on her recent visit to Bishop Luffa School, Meeting Austen Hindman (The new Headteacher) and Pupils.  The School Council are working towards a carbon zero School, for example through green roofs (as at Rolls Royce). Plastic cutlery has been replaced with (donated) metal cutlery. Teracycle initiatives underway. Debbie found that the young people are anxious – one potential positive outcome from her visit being to invite some pupils to ask a question at a Council Meeting (ongoing negotiation with Mr. Hindman).

Jenny Quest’s voluntary work with Birdham Primary School is progressing – seeds planted.

Recepticles for old pens are now at various locations, including our weekly EcoChi Stall.  Kelly Cotton handed Jenny a good selection of old pens ….. We will work to help Jenny save old pens going to landfill.

Diana Morgan commended the fact that a few local Councillors have confirmed they’re attending the XR Meeting this Thursday 30th May in the Assembly Room.  

She also referred to the Lewes 10 minute A27 Swarm Protest.

Sarah Sharp has prepared elderflower cordial for the EcoChi Stall.

Sarah provded some insights into her new role as a District Councillor,  currently involving a lot of training. The structure and mechanisms within CDC are complex. The Cabinet and Committee System working alongside the Council employed officials and staff.  Sarah will be on a number of Committees including the “Overview and Scrutiny Committee”, which meet 5 times a year. CDC run some 80 different Services.

Sarah has booked onto various courses, including one for Green Party Councillors in Oslo and a Car Free Day Conference in London.

Sarah needs to offload various of her preexisting camaign committments including ChiCycle.

Micheal Neville (Bosham Parish Councillor, Teacher at Chichester College and avid campaigner) confirmed that Bosham Parish Council and The College are thinking Globally with local ideas in small steps with a desire to do things. Brinsbury College is part of Chichester College, and teaming up with Crawley and Worthing Colleges:  Significant opportunities to enable our young people to be part of the solutions we need.

Mark Record flagged up the Chichester Post article about the CDC Questionairre of what would attract you towards attending events we’d like to see – you may wish to suggest something like, events where traffic is reduced and controlled in the City Centre so people can enjoy our beautiful streets without fear from traffic. Alternatively you could state you want regular car free days

Mark has put a huge effort into researching and promoting International Car Free Day for Chichester on 22nd September – Next Meeting 3rd June at 7:30 p.m. in the Tavern Inn.

Mark is also busy studying the Whitehouse Farm Developer’s Plans for Westgate, and pushing hard for more information and community input (no doubt you’ve seen his recent Coffin Demonstration at CDC, covered by the Chichester Post and Observer).

From Liz Macallum (from a previous Meeting)  Having just returned from Italy, there was a new book about the Life of Greta Thunberg (including her challenges with autism) ….. The book was everywhere in Italy,  and is understood to be widely translated and commonly available across Europe. BUT it is apparently NOT available here – not even found on Amazon … WHAT ?


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