CDC Quick Demo this Saturday 18th May, 10:30 a.m.

Hi all,
I'm awaiting a reply on the availability and agreement for participation of the XR Chichester and EcoChi Banners for a quick Demo this Saturday 18th May, please?
Thank you,

This Saturday 18th May at 10:30 a.m : Mark Record has hired a Coffin to mount a small, demonstration outside the Offices of Chichester District Council, East Pallant House, Chichester.

Please come in support if you can. Sombre Mourning attire appreciated.

Behind the Scenes, Mark Record and others are painstakingly researching (typically difficult to find!) Documents and Plans relating to the Whitehouse Farm Development and our Local Councils responses, particularly relating to Westgate …. detailed “indicative” Plans apparently agreed and officially stamped – with such poor cycle provision proposed that only the most confident cyclists would ever use it – very short of what we need and no go for mobility scooters and school children.

Getting the best possible outcome for Westgate is critical, not only for the Chichester District – including for the 1,600 new Whitehouse Farm Housing Development (Developer’s currently seeking to increase the density to 1,750 houses), but also Nationally: Westgate is part of National Cycle Route Number 2.

A modest Demonstration providing an opportunity for the XR Chichester and EcoChi Banner(s) to be proudly displayed across our local Newspapers. A Demonstration that inconveniences no one, yet indicates to CDC that our Elected Councillors need to work with our non-elected Officials to do right for our Community. I will invite District Councillors and hope a few can come along to hear our concerns.

More Background:

The vital National Cycle Route No.2 includes the Chichester to Emsworth link (ChEmRoute) for which WSCC are Currently Employing Consultants: “The ChEmRoute Feasibility Study”. Little is known about this! It appears that only the A259 is within their remit, with the study being funded from a pot of money for improving cycling provision dating back to when the new A27 was constructed (?). Clearly, any cycle route is worse than useless where parts are dangerously unassailable to the vast majority. Westgate needs to be not only included but the priority in the ChEmRoute Feasibility Study!

Of course, Westgate is also vitally important for Centurion Way – National Cycle Route 88 – which is being extended through the South Downs National Park to link in with The South Downs Way near Cocking. Westgate is similarly vital for Salterns Way which links Chichester with the Manhood Peninsular. Strategic wildlife corridors, Air Quality, Modal Shifts, Etc!

As Louise Goldsmith clearly stated at the full WSCC on 5th April, it is vital to get good walking and cycling provision included at the very start of all new Development Proposals – this is not happening here

The overlap of responsibility between CDC and WSCC is bamboozling and therefore a community input is especially necessary. CDC this Saturday.

Kind Regards,


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